The Quality Care Campaign. The clue is in the name, quality care. What is quality care? Does it mean the same to me as it does you? Probably not. So, I’m going to tell you what it means to me and why I think this campaign is so relevant today and why the sector is in dire need of this campaign.
I’m 25 and I have little experience working in care homes. But I do have a sister and mother who work in care and they are now one of the reasons why I’m so passionate about this campaign. My sister has worked in care since she was 17, she’s been bullied out of places more times than I can count but there’s one thing that sets her apart from most – she genuinely cares about the residents she works with.
I have worked in a care home myself, for 10 months. Now, I know that’s not a long time to get a true feel about the industry itself, but I got enough to build expectations on what care should and shouldn’t be.
Before entering a career in the care sector, I didn’t think twice about it. I never thought about how what may seem normal to you may not seem normal to them. For the first time, I had to think about what I said – because my words actually meant something to these residents. For the first time, I found out who CQC was, their inspections and what it meant for care homes. For the first time, I had to care for someone other than myself. What did I learn? A lot.
Although working in care homes wasn’t for me it doesn’t mean I didn’t learn any valuable lessons on the way:
- Those you’re caring for are adults. In fact, most of them are older than you.
- Every person has different needs.
- A strong team means a strong care home.
- Even a little encouragement goes a long way.
- Divide your attention to those that may not get it as much.
- Get to know the residents, they are very interesting people.
I left caring because it wasn’t for me and I couldn’t provide the care these residents needed and that just was not fair on them. I still hear about them every so often and it warms my heart. I know you’re not meant to form attachments, but it’s so difficult not to when you find out their likes, dislikes and how to care for them.
I am, however, back in the industry working every day on the Quality Care Campaign and their social media keeping the public informed and trying to build our reputation on what we do. This campaign means a lot to me because it strives to drive up standards, recognise and support good care providers and to celebrate exceptional care.
So what do we do?
The Quality Care Campaign was launched in 2018 in partnership with Care England and aims to:
- Provide quality care for everyone
- Embedding dignity which is essential to quality care
- Strive for fair commissioning – a level playing field
- Have a respected and rewarded work force with access to training and career pathways in care
- Invest in technology which improves efficiency, productivity and care
The Quality Care Campaign is so important today because it strives to achieve the above goals and make sure quality care is available to everyone, not just residents but carers as well.
Written by Tamara Birch, digital media officer at RDB Star Rating